Welcome To Creative Flow

Being good in business is the most fascinating kind of art. Making money is art and working is art and good business is the best art. Contact us for a quote today!

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in this sliding machine!

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pssst.. you can use the arrow keys to navigate.

Auspendisse nec dui quam. Donec in nibh urna. Donec blandit consequat augue vitae sollicitudin. Nunc ultrices, urna sed cursus adipiscing, dolor elit blandit metus, at lacinia velit ante et nibh. Etiam eget erat felis. Sed ornare, tellus a aliquet dapibus, ante risus suscipit velit, et faucibus purus sem ut leo. Cras pretium hendrerit odio ac facilisis

Here's an example of highlighted text. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Vestibulum in diam metus. Morbi libero risus, adipiscing eu convallis quis, mattis in libero. Cras lobortis, sem sit amet aliquet hendrerit, nulla leo tempus urna, eu aliquam purus massa eget elit. This is a right pullquote, serving to entice readers into an article or to highlight a key topic.Sed cursus tristique neque, ac commodo sapien imperdiet nec.Fusce tincidunt, sapien in dignissim porta, leo velit egestas lorem, ac mattis lorem sapien a magna. Nam ut purus nisi. Maecenas viverra est et nisl aliquam in imperdiet tellus pulvinar. Phasellus non pellentesque diam. Sed ac urna vel ligula tempus mollis consequat vitae sapien. Curabitur diam sem, vulputate eu viverra et, consequat sit amet tortor. Integer tempor commodo urna, quis hendrerit velit tincidunt ac. Cras pretium hendrerit odio ac facilisis.

A pullquote; used to pull text out of the reader's flow and give it more oomph!Hestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Vestibulum in diam metus. Morbi libero risus, adipiscing eu convallis quis, mattis in libero. Cras lobortis, sem sit amet aliquet hendrerit, nulla leo tempus urna, eu aliquam purus massa eget elit. Sed cursus tristique neque, ac commodo sapien imperdiet nec.Fusce tincidunt, sapien in dignissim porta, leo velit egestas lorem, ac mattis lorem sapien a magna. Nam ut purus nisi. Maecenas viverra est et nisl aliquam in imperdiet tellus pulvinar. Phasellus non pellentesque diam. Sed ac urna vel ligula tempus mollis consequat vitae sapien. Curabitur diam sem, vulputate eu viverra et, consequat sit amet tortor. Integer tempor commodo urna, quis hendrerit velit tincidunt ac. Cras pretium hendrerit odio ac facilisis.

This is a blockquote, the content of a blockquote element must include block-level elements such as headings, lists, paragraphs or div's.

When Dorothy was left alone she began to feel hungry. So she went to the cupboard and cut herself some bread, which she spread with butter. She gave some to Toto, and taking a pail from the shelf she.
When Dorothy was left alone she began to feel hungry. So she went to the cupboard and cut herself some bread, which she spread with butter. She gave some to Toto, and taking a pail from the shelf.

Meet The Team

Dont ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and go do it. - Howard Thurman

Designers don't actually solve problems. They work through them.

Alexia Smart

Creative Director

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin vitae sem nec urna interdum tempor vitae quis dolor. Nulla congue, turpis vitae dapibus gravida, purus turpis ornare nibh, sed ornare augue nulla ut mi. Maecenas ligula ante, fermentum ut imperdiet viverra, tristique in risus. Fusce interdum magna et felis aliquam pulvinar.

Typography at its best is a visual form of language linking timelessness and time.

Rich Addison

Web Designer

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin vitae sem nec urna interdum tempor vitae quis dolor. Nulla congue, turpis vitae dapibus gravida, purus turpis ornare nibh, sed ornare augue nulla ut mi. Maecenas ligula ante, fermentum ut imperdiet viverra, tristique in risus. Fusce interdum magna et felis aliquam pulvinar.

Instead of searching for inspiration, how about you search out someone to inspire.

Joseph Drake

Illustrator & Photographer

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin vitae sem nec urna interdum tempor vitae quis dolor. Nulla congue, turpis vitae dapibus gravida, purus turpis ornare nibh, sed ornare augue nulla ut mi. Maecenas ligula ante, fermentum ut imperdiet viverra, tristique in risus. Fusce interdum magna et felis aliquam pulvinar.


Design, in its broadest sense, is the enabler of the digital era - it's a process that creates order out of chaos, that renders technology usable to business.

Worem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras blandit rhoncus purus at varius. Cras feugiat, ante ac lobortis aliquet, felis velit vestibulum quam, dignissim condimentum neque orci quis lorem. Cras sapien velit, commodo quis laoreet ut, facilisis vitae metus. Vivamus eget neque vel ligula hendrerit ullamcorper id semper diam. Fusce luctus dolor eu felis malesuada.
Nulla sed magna quam, vitae convallis lacus. Ut et purus erat, consectetur convallis lectus. Sed rhoncus adipiscing condimentum. In porttitor est sed tellus vestibulum vitae venenatis metus tempor. Mauris vehicula hendrerit dictum. Nullam eget nulla et arcu porta convallis. Praesent porttitor congue libero ut bibendum. Sed vel arcu diam. Proin eleifend dui eu quam ullamcorper sed eleifend nisi pellentesque.

{Click on the little '+' below to see some icons
that will help you to illustrate your services.}

A selection of icons to choose from to highlight your creative design services

  • Inspiration

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
    consectetur adipiscing elit.

  • Ribbon

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
    consectetur adipiscing elit.

  • Microscope

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
    consectetur adipiscing elit.

  • Clock

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
    consectetur adipiscing elit.

  • Tools

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
    consectetur adipiscing elit.

  • Design

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
    consectetur adipiscing elit.

  • Applications

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
    consectetur adipiscing elit.

  • Music

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
    consectetur adipiscing elit.

  • Camera

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
    consectetur adipiscing elit.

  • Gears

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
    consectetur adipiscing elit.

  • Palette

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
    consectetur adipiscing elit.

  • Scissors

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
    consectetur adipiscing elit.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras blandit rhoncus purus at varius. Cras feugiat, ante ac lobortis aliquet, felis velit vestibulum quam, dignissim condimentum neque orci quis lorem. Cras sapien velit, commodo quis laoreet ut, facilisis vitae metus. Vivamus eget neque vel ligula hendrerit ullamcorper id semper diam. Fusce luctus dolor eu felis malesuada nec pellentesque mauris dictum.
Nulla sed magna quam, vitae convallis lacus. Ut et purus erat, consectetur convallis lectus. Sed rhoncus adipiscing condimentum. In porttitor est sed tellus vestibulum vitae venenatis metus tempor. Mauris vehicula hendrerit dictum. Nullam eget nulla et arcu porta convallis. Praesent porttitor congue libero ut bibendum. Sed vel arcu diam. Proin eleifend dui eu quam ullamcorper sed eleifend nisi pellentesque.

Web Design & Development

Nulla sed magna quam, vitae convallis lacus. Ut et purus erat, cons ect etur convallis lectus. Sed rhoncus adipiscing condimentum.

  • Hour after hour passed away, and slowly Dorothy got over her fright.
  • But she felt quite lonely, and the wind shrieked so loudly.
  • At first she had wondered if she would be dashed to pieces.

Web Hosting

Nullam eget nulla et arcu porta convallis. Praesent porttitor congue libero ut bibendum. Sed vel arcu diam. Proin eleifend dui eu quam ullamcorper sed eleifend nisi pellentesque.

  • Hour after hour passed away, and slowly Dorothy got over her fright.
  • But she felt quite lonely, and the wind shrieked so loudly.
  • At first she had wondered if she would be dashed to pieces.

Graphic design & Illustration

Nulla sed magna quam, vitae convallis lacus. Ut et purus erat, cons ect etur convallis lectus. Sed rhoncus adipiscing condimentum.

  • Hour after hour passed away, and slowly Dorothy got over her fright.
  • But she felt quite lonely, and the wind shrieked so loudly.
  • At first she had wondered if she would be dashed to pieces.

SEO Services

Nullam eget nulla et arcu porta convallis. Praesent porttitor congue libero ut bibendum. Sed vel arcu diam. Proin eleifend dui eu quam ullamcorper sed eleifend nisi pellentesque.

  • Hour after hour passed away, and slowly Dorothy got over her fright.
  • But she felt quite lonely, and the wind shrieked so loudly.
  • At first she had wondered if she would be dashed to pieces.

Our Client List

  • H.T.B LIGHTLY - Web Development
  • BRYAN SHAW CLOTHING - Corporate Identity
  • TITI TEA GARDEN - Web Development & Design
  • WAR OF WITS PUBLISHING LTD. - Web Development & Design
  • MAJESTIC ANDALUSIANS DM - Web Design - Visit Site »
  • ATUM SOUND SYSTEM - Graphic Design - Visit Site »
  • C.JS HUGGABLES - Web Development & Design - Visit Site »
  • H.T.B LIGHTLY - Web Development - Visit Site »
  • HAYMARKET PUBLISHING - Illustration | 1999 - 2004
  • BRYAN SHAW CLOTHING - Corporate Identity | 2004 - 2007
  • TITI TEA GARDEN - Web Development & Design | 2007 - 2011

What Our Clients Are Saying...

Fusce molestie eros sed augue feugiat fermentum. Donec hendrerit varius nibh, non tincidunt erat condimentum eu. In et imperdiet est. Duis malesuada facilisis nunc quis congue. Donec nec enim et tellus pretium porta. Phasellus condimentum risus quis mauris faucibus nec adipiscing erat eleifend.
- Testimonial No. 1

Fusce molestie eros sed augue feugiat fermentum. Donec hendrerit varius nibh, non tincidunt erat condimentum eu. In et imperdiet est. Duis malesuada facilisis nunc quis congue. Donec nec enim et tellus pretium porta. Phasellus condimentum risus quis mauris faucibus nec adipiscing erat eleifend.
- Testimonial No. 2


All projects are different, but you have treat each one with care. Sometimes you get to build a luxury yacht; other times, it'll be a rowboat.

Fusce molestie eros sed augue feugiat fermentum. Donec hendrerit varius nibh, non tincidunt erat condimentum eu. In et imperdiet est. Duis malesuada facilisis nunc quis congue. Donec nec enim et tellus pretium porta. Phasellus condimentum risus quis mauris faucibus nec adipiscing erat eleifend. Suspendisse urna arcu, rutrum sit amet pretium eu, posuere sed ligula. Aliquam vel tempor felis. Suspendisse potenti. Maecenas et augue at.

1. Project One

Don't make something unless it is both necessary and useful; but if it is both necessary and useful, don't hesitate to make it beautiful.

What is to be sought in designs for the display of information is the clear portrayal of complexity. Not the complication of the simple; rather the task of the designer is to give visual access to the subtle and the difficult - that is, revelation of the complex.

Visit Site »

2. Project Two

Don't make something unless it is both necessary and useful; but if it is both necessary and useful, don't hesitate to make it beautiful.

What is to be sought in designs for the display of information is the clear portrayal of complexity. Not the complication of the simple; rather the task of the designer is to give visual access to the subtle and the difficult - that is, revelation of the complex.

Visit Site »

3. Project Three

Don't make something unless it is both necessary and useful; but if it is both necessary and useful, don't hesitate to make it beautiful.

What is to be sought in designs for the display of information is the clear portrayal of complexity. Not the complication of the simple; rather the task of the designer is to give visual access to the subtle and the difficult - that is, revelation of the complex.

Visit Site »

4. Project Four

Don't make something unless it is both necessary and useful; but if it is both necessary and useful, don't hesitate to make it beautiful.

What is to be sought in designs for the display of information is the clear portrayal of complexity. Not the complication of the simple; rather the task of the designer is to give visual access to the subtle and the difficult - that is, revelation of the complex.

Visit Site »

5. Project Five

Don't make something unless it is both necessary and useful; but if it is both necessary and useful, don't hesitate to make it beautiful.

What is to be sought in designs for the display of information is the clear portrayal of complexity. Not the complication of the simple; rather the task of the designer is to give visual access to the subtle and the difficult - that is, revelation of the complex.

Visit Site »

6. Project Six

Don't make something unless it is both necessary and useful; but if it is both necessary and useful, don't hesitate to make it beautiful.

What is to be sought in designs for the display of information is the clear portrayal of complexity. Not the complication of the simple; rather the task of the designer is to give visual access to the subtle and the difficult - that is, revelation of the complex.

Visit Site »


We are not artists or poets. We are artisans and craftsmen. Our products solve problems. They do not hang on museum walls.

  • Wedding Site Template

    A fully coded website that will help you create your own wedding site.

    preview | visit site

  • Photography Mini Site

    A clean, simple PSD website that can be used to showcase your photos.

    preview | visit site

  • iUnits

    iUnits is a PSD containing icon designs for the Apple iPhone, iPad, and Nano.


  • App Designer Portfolio

    App Designer Portfolio is one of our most downloaded files to date.

    preview | visit site

  • Photoshop

    Experimenting with textures & layers.


  • The Mariner's Tumblog

    A vintage style design that would make a great Tumblr or WordPress theme.

    preview | visit site

  • Nuada - Sun God

    Photoshop and pyrographic art poster.


  • Office Vectors

    Published in 'Vintage' by Angela Patchell Publishing.


  • Vintage Web Design

    Subtle textures give this design an old but sophisticated feel.

    preview | visit site

  • Everything is a Remix Part 3

    by Kirby Ferguson

    view online

  • Chute (Fall)

    by Mathias Lachal

    view online

  • Moleskine Icon

    A beautifully crafted design with pixel perfection by Michael Stezycki.



Sometimes you can draw more inspiration from the people who don't believe in you, then from the ones who do. - William Childs

Maecenas et augue

By: Alexia Smart
Now, take away the awful fear, and my sensations at feeling the supernatural hand in mine were very similar, in their strangeness, to those which I experienced on waking up and seeing Queequeg's pagan arm thrown round me...

Quisque et diam leo

By: Joe Drake
But at length all the past night's events soberly recurred, one by one, in fixed reality, and then I lay only alive to the comical predicament. For though I tried to move his arm—unlock his bridegroom clasp—yet, sleeping as he was, he stil....

nisi eleifend aliquam

By: Alexia Smart
I then rolled over, my neck feeling as if it were in a horse-collar; and suddenly felt a slight scratch. Throwing aside the counterpane, there lay the tomahawk sleeping by the savage's side, as if it were a hatchet-faced baby....

Curabitur ves condimentum

By: Rich Addison
A pretty pickle, truly, thought I; abed here in a strange house in the broad day, with a cannibal and a tomahawk! "Queequeg!—in the name of goodness, Queequeg, wake!" At length, by dint of much wriggling, and loud and incessant...

Maecenas et augue

By: Alexia Smart
Now, take away the awful fear, and my sensations at feeling the supernatural hand in mine were very similar, in their strangeness, to those which I experienced on waking up and seeing Queequeg's pagan arm thrown round me...

Quisque et diam leo

By: Joe Drake
But at length all the past night's events soberly recurred, one by one, in fixed reality, and then I lay only alive to the comical predicament. For though I tried to move his arm—unlock his bridegroom clasp—yet, sleeping as he was, he stil....

nisi eleifend aliquam

By: Alexia Smart
I then rolled over, my neck feeling as if it were in a horse-collar; and suddenly felt a slight scratch. Throwing aside the counterpane, there lay the tomahawk sleeping by the savage's side, as if it were a hatchet-faced baby....

Curabitur ves condimentum

By: Rich Addison
A pretty pickle, truly, thought I; abed here in a strange house in the broad day, with a cannibal and a tomahawk! "Queequeg!—in the name of goodness, Queequeg, wake!" At length, by dint of much wriggling, and loud and incessant...

«Read More»


That's what all we are: amateurs. We don't live long enough to be anything else. - Charlie Chaplin

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras blandit rhoncus purus at varius. Cras feugiat, ante ac lobortis aliquet, felis velit vestibulum quam, dignissim condimentum neque orci quis lorem. Cras sapien velit, commodo quis laoreet ut, facilisis vitae metus. Vivamus eget neque vel ligula hendrerit ullamcorper id semper diam. Fusce luctus dolor eu felis malesuada nec pellentesque mauris dictum.
  • Twitter
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  • Dribbble
  • DeviantArt
  • LinkedIn
  • Forrst
  • Google Plus
  • Behance
Get in touch
  • 22 Plantin Way,
    Html County
    CM9 8SB


Two Columns - H3 heading

Maecenas et augue at nisi eleifend aliquam. Quisque et diam leo, eget feugiat neque. Nulla viverra vehicula augue, luctus fringilla felis lacinia non. Nulla non sapien vel justo tempor pharetra.
Maecenas et augue at nisi eleifend aliquam. Quisque et diam leo, eget feugiat neque. Nulla viverra vehicula augue, luctus fringilla felis lacinia non. Nulla non sapien vel justo tempor pharetra.

Three Columns - H4 heading

Maecenas et augue at nisi eleifend aliquam. Quisque et diam leo, eget feugiat neque. Nulla viverra vehicula augue, luctus fringilla.
Maecenas et augue at nisi eleifend aliquam. Quisque et diam leo, eget feugiat neque. Nulla viverra vehicula augue, luctus fringilla.
Maecenas et augue at nisi eleifend aliquam. Quisque et diam leo, eget feugiat neque. Nulla viverra vehicula augue, luctus fringilla.
Four Columns - H5 heading
Maecenas et augue at nisi eleifend aliquam. Quisque et diam leo, eget feugiat neque.
Maecenas et augue at nisi eleifend aliquam. Quisque et diam leo, eget feugiat neque.
Maecenas et augue at nisi eleifend aliquam. Quisque et diam leo, eget feugiat neque.
Maecenas et augue at nisi eleifend aliquam. Quisque et diam leo, eget feugiat neque.
Image Styling - H6 heading
Phasellus non pellentesque diam. Sed ac urna vel ligula tempus mollis consequat vitae sapien. Curabitur diam sem, vulputate eu viverra et, consequat sit amet tortor. Integer tempor commodo urna, quis hendrerit velit tincidunt ac. Cras pretium hendrerit odio ac facilisis. Curabitur vestibulum condimentum nulla, eget tincidunt quam porta sit amet, quisque et diam leo.
Bullet List
  • Hour after hour passed away, and slowly Dorothy got over her fright.
  • But she felt quite lonely, and the wind shrieked so loudly.
  • At first she had wondered if she would be dashed to pieces.
Ordered List
  1. Hour after hour passed away, and slowly Dorothy got over her fright.

  2. But she felt quite lonely, and the wind shrieked so loudly.

  3. At first she had wondered if she would be dashed to pieces.

Tabs Style

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis viverra, leo sit amet auctor fermentum, risus lorem posuere tortor, in accumsan purus magna imperdiet sem.

Consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent bibendum eros ac nulla. Integer vel lacus ac neque viverra ornare. Nulla id massa nec erat laoreet elementum. Vivamus tristique auctor odio. Integer mi.

Mauris ultricies. Nam feugiat egestas nulla. Donec augue dui, molestie sed, tristique sit amet, blandit eu, turpis. Mauris hendrerit, nisi et sodales tempor, orci tellus laoreet elit, sed molestie dui quam vitae.

Non lectus lacinia egestas. Nulla hendrerit, felis quis elementum viverra, purus felis egestas magna, non vulputate libero justo nec sem. Nullam arcu. Donec pellentesque vestibulum urna.

Maecenas at odio. Nunc laoreet lectus vel ante. Nullam imperdiet. Sed justo dolor, mattis eu, euismod sed, tempus a, nisl. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculu.

Maecenas et augue at nisi eleifend aliquam. Quisque et diam leo, eget feugiat neque. Nulla viverra vehicula augue, luctus fringilla felis lacinia non. Nulla non sapien vel justo tempor pharetra.

Phasellus non pellentesque diam. Sed ac urna vel ligula tempus mollis consequat vitae sapien. Curabitur diam sem, vulputate eu viverra et, consequat sit amet tortor. Integer tempor commodo urna, quis hendrerit velit tincidunt ac. Cras pretium hendrerit odio ac facilisis. Curabitur vestibulum condimentum nulla, eget tincidunt quam porta sit amet, quisque et diam leo.
Pointer List
  • Hour after hour passed away, and slowly Dorothy got over her fright.
  • But she felt quite lonely, and the wind shrieked so loudly.
  • At first she had wondered if she hover over me to see a tool tip.
Star List
  • Hour after hour passed away, and slowly Dorothy got over her fright.
  • But she felt quite lonely, and the wind shrieked so loudly.
  • At first she had wondered if she hover over me to see a tool tip.
Accordian Style

First pane

Lorem ipsum dolor

Consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent bibendum eros ac nulla. Integer vel lacus ac neque viverra ornare. Nulla id massa nec erat laoreet elementum. Vivamus tristique auctor odio. Integer mi.

Second pane

Vestibulum ante ipsum

Cras diam. Donec dolor lacus, vestibulum at, varius in, mollis id, dolor. Aliquam erat volutpat. Praesent pretium tristique est. Maecenas nunc lorem, blandit nec, accumsan nec, facilisis quis.

Third pane

Curabitur vel dolor

Non lectus lacinia egestas. Nulla hendrerit, felis quis elementum viverra, purus felis egestas magna, non vulputate libero justo nec sem. Nullam arcu. Donec pellentesque vestibulum urna.

CSS3 Colour Buttons
Green Button Blue Button Pink Button Red Button Orange Button Yellow Button Olive Button White Button

<a href="#" class="green button">Button</a>