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pyrography crosses
Campaign Work

I assisted with two protests by helping with graphic design and social media promotion and also documented both events. For the first event, I made a set of pyrographed crosses that I handed out to the attendees and also a set of large hand-drawn letters spelling out the words, ‘Stop Killing Pilot Whales’.

I thought that playing the sounds of pilot whales would be powerful, so, on July 10th, 2015, their voices echoed outside the Royal Danish Embassy in London. It seemed strange that we were allowed to chant all day long but as soon as we gave the pilot whales their voice, the police told us to turn it down!

Imagine if they had heard it in real-time at the Faroes coastline, watching the precious families of pilot whales dragged onto the beach and slaughtered. If they thought our recording was too loud? You can’t turn the real sound down.

Faroes Campaign meme by Jo
Faroes demo in Kerrang

July 31st 2015 Protest featured in Kerrang! Header image: Sam Carter, Architects frontman and Sea Shepherd UK Ambassador (c) Jo Phillips.