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One cause that is close to our hearts, which we raise funds for, contribute to with our graphics and help with campaign work is cetaceans in captivity.

Every year a worldwide movement called Empty The Tanks hold events in towns and cities to create awareness and help to educate people about dolphins in captivity. This year the event had to be cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic and instead, there was an online campaign where people added their selfie to social media whilst holding a sign and using the hashtag #SelfiesForCetaceans.

We submitted our photo which admittedly took us quite a while,  we struggled as the dolphin masks were so hot, plus I could barely see to rush over to the camera to set the self-timer! However, we were pleased to see it used on social media by Empty The Tanks and Dolphin Project.

One thing that touched me personally was seeing a young lady called Jess Cagnolatti who had seen our photo on Dolphin Project’s page and was inspired to make this brilliant drawing! Isn’t that just great!

It was an absolutely brilliant campaign and shows what we can do if we all work together.

(c) Jess Cagnolatti

A little about Empty the Tanks from founder Rachel Carbary

“My name is Rachel and I started Empty the Tanks in 2013 after I visited Taiji, Japan as a volunteer to help document the annual dolphin slaughters that take place there. After witnessing the horrific acts happening in the infamous Cove, I decided I wanted to take this fight to the captivity industry. I had stood in Taiji and given a voice to the dolphins who lost their lives in those waters, now I was going to give a voice to the dolphins and whales suffering in captivity all over the world.

Marine entertainment parks have no place in our world anymore. These are incredibly social, intelligent beings that are being exploited for monetary gain.

Empty the Tanks is not a radical movement demanding the release of all captive marine mammals into the wild. Some of these animals might be great candidates for release, but those that are not should be retired into sea pens, where they can enjoy the rest of their days in natural seawater, feeling the waves of the ocean around them. They should not be worked until their last breath is taken and then thrown out like trash and replaced.”
Read more

Good Morning from LA☀️ Join me today for Empty the Tanks Day and take a selfie #SELFIESFORCETACEANS #RICOBARRY & #DOLPHINPROJECT 🐬 Thank you for your love and support GH 🙏💜🐬

Posted by Glenn Hughes on Saturday, 9 May 2020