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This 10-week online course, which has been developed by The Open University with The Royal Photographic Society, is designed to give you the ability to create and share good-quality digital images. It is suitable for the beginner and does not assume any knowledge of photographic techniques or digital photo-editing skills. It will also appeal to those who want to top up their skills.


I have always loved photography, and from a young age I carried a camera of some type around with me. After leaving college I went into the world of design and publishing, working in London as an art editor. Commissioning photography for magazines, was a highly rewarding part of my position.

Twenty odd years on, I’ve finally purchased a good camera and my passion has been reignited.

I decided to enroll in the TG089 Open University photography course to help better my ability to create good quality digital images, get out and about, and meet a new group of inspiring creative people.

My Result

I am incredibly pleased to announce that I received an ‘A’ grade! 

I enjoyed the course and involved myself in each assignment and participated in peer review. It is the type of course that you get out what you put in. 

Since finishing the course, I feel that I have improved as I now look at a few of my choices and wonder why I added them, although you can only do what you think is best at the time.

In hindsight, I think that I was trying to create a narrative and link the images with my written text. Simply choosing ten of your best photos would probably be better. However, it’s very encouraging to see my recent photographs in the panel achieve a positive review. 


I believe the course became a little difficult for some as we started just as the Covid-19 lockdown came into place. A few students who enjoyed landscape photography expressed their frustration, and others working on the frontline understandably found keeping up with the course schedule challenging. 

On the other hand, it pushed others to look at what they may once have seen as mundane within their homes. A few students grasped this wholeheartedly, and the results were excellent.

I’ve met some great people, all of whom have inspired me in different ways. Some went out of their way to assist, and there were others who I thought excelled, and I enjoyed viewing their weekly selections immensely.


I feel encouraged to continue, and I’m presently contemplating trying for an RPS Licentiate. I’ve no idea how to go about it at the moment, but I will persevere!

Watch this space.