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It’s been over twenty years since I’ve had any lessons, and I need to brush up on my knowledge and skills. I enjoyed photography at college and fondly recall being top of the class for my macro shot of Polo Mints! After college, I had a few pieces published in magazines, such as PR Week. I’ve also sold high-res textures on Graphic River. As my career in publishing progressed, I became an Art Editor and commissioned photography for magazines.

Now I need a new pastime, so I’m picking up my camera; we’ll see where it will lead me. I’ll be sharing photos, experiences, tips and useful bits and bobs that I find along the way.

First port of call – Photocrowd

I thought Photocrowd might be a place to start. It is a global community of photographers of all levels and interests and a platform for some of the best photo contests and awards. A place where photographers find inspiration and connect with other photographers.

I’ve been a member for a week or two, and I’m happy to report that I’m enjoying the experience; it’s exciting if your photo is doing well in the contests, although I’m not too concerned about the ratings. I like viewing the photographs and seeing how others have tackled the briefs; it’s rather addictive and refreshing to join a new community of creative people.

The photo challenges have encouraged me to try new things. I’m getting out and about and visiting places. If anything, it’s reignited my creativity, which can only be a good thing.

So far, I haven’t seen much feedback, but there are also judged competitions. Once I’ve gained more confidence, I’ll give that a go.

Overall, I’m having fun and learning and creating, so thank you, Photocrowd.

Photo Credits: J.A. Phillips