Farewell Tokitae

At the end of March, Dr. Claire Paris-Limouzy, our USA representative at Until Lolita is Home, visited the Whale Bowl by invitation, where she recorded a sound clip of Tokitae / Sk’aliCh’elh-tenaut; it is one of the last recordings of her blow sound and vocalisation.

We were unable to share the recording until August 27th, when millions across the world heard her voice sing out across the Salish Sea, at the “Celebration of Life for Sk’aliCh’elh-tenaut.” Jackson Beach, San Juan Island.

To the Miami Seaquarium:
After 53 years, where are her vocal recordings?
Where are her underwater sounds?
What were you trying to hide when you forced her to make unnatural calls for a laughing and clapping audience? Her identity? Her culture? Her language?

In search of lost time.

Toki called for over half a century to her family with no reply, for comfort in the darkness of the night and to anyone who would listen.

Millions worldwide have learned of her story, it took so long, too long to hear her. To feel, know and understand who she was and still is.

We must never forget.
Toki IS a Southern Resident Orca.

Please hear the call of the wild, advocate for her SRKW family, and pledge to never buy a ticket to a dolphin show.

Truly see and care for all beings; the furred, finned, feathered and scaled. Honour, respect and tread softly upon the earth.

Use your voice for our beloved teacher and give back to her everlasting legacy. Let her song resonate in your heart forever.

Her name is Tokitae. Salish Sea Daughter.
Southern Resident Orca.

Copyright: Sound – Tokitae / Sk’aliCh’elh-tenaut. Recording – Claire Paris. Video, words & Image – Jo Phillips, Until Lolita is Home. Special thanks to Joe Olson and Friends of Toki.

  • Campaign Work
  • Image Shared Widely On Social Media
  • Video Creation & Sound Edits
  • Graphic Design
  • Initial Concept