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I was honoured to be asked to create a design for Marine Connection, commemorating the anniversary of the orca captures in Penn Cove, Washington State on August 8th 1970. The design has been used on T-Shirts, sweatshirts, tea towels and bags.

Proceeds will contribute towards Marine Connection and Orca Network’s campaign to retire Lolita.

Lolita the orca has been held in captivity since 1970 after being captured from the wild in Penn Cove. She’s had to endure being held in a tank at Miami Seaquarium which doesn’t meet the criteria for keeping orca, even by US authority standards. Lolita is recognised as endangered, yet still, Miami Seaquarium will not allow her the opportunity to retire.

Marine Connection is a registered charity based in the UK, working internationally on the protection, conservation and welfare of all cetaceans.

TShirt design by Jo Phillips